Lecture and workshop: Urban-rural connections, sustainability

February 20, 2009

DATE: May 12-13, 2009.

There will be an evening lecture and reception free and open to the public on May 12 at 7 p.m., followed by the full-day workshop for registered participants on May 13.

EVENT: “Urban-Rural Connections: Sustainability in a Volatile World,” a lecture and workshop that bring together nationally known researchers and municipal planners who have developed strong sustainability programs across the Great Lakes region.

State and local officials and business leaders will collaborate with nationally known and Michigan university experts to develop new ways to make municipalities more environmentally sustainable.

“Business as usual is not working,” said Richard Norton, a University of Michigan associate professor of urban and regional planning who is organizing the interactive workshop. “We are seeing troubling signs of impending social, environmental, public health and economic disruptions that threaten long-term social sustainability.”

Academics, public officials, business leaders, and interested citizens from across Michigan will hear a panel discussion about the key concepts and challenges of sustainability and then break into teams to collaborate on developing workable solutions through a facilitated workshop.

FEES: The full conference is $50 for participants who pre-register by April 20-, $75 thereafter.

Panelists are expected to include Gerritt Knapp of the University of Maryland, Kent Portney of Tufts University, U-M urban planning expert June Thomas, former Grand Rapids Mayor John Logie and Ann Arbor environmental coordinator Matt Naud.

PLACE: University of Michigan’s Rackham Building, 4th floor, 915 E. Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Directions: http://www.rackham.umich.edu/about_us/rackham_building/driving_directions/

SPONSORS: The U-M Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute, the Michigan Municipal League, the U-M Office of the Vice President for Government Relations

CONTACT: Lisa Pappas at (734) 615-8520 or [email protected]

WEB LINKS: Graham Energy Sustainability Institute, Campus Sustainability