Media preview for “Archaeologies of Childhood: The First Years of Life in Roman Egypt”

November 5, 2003


DATE: 2 p.m. Nov. 10, 2003

EVENT: The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology invites the media to a preview of the upcoming exhibition “Archaeologies of Childhood: The First Years of Life in Roman Egypt,” opening Nov. 14. This exhibition, designed for children, offers a unique look at the ancient world through the eyes of its children.

Artifacts such as toys, clothing and images of children shed light on an often under-represented population in the ancient world.

The exhibition features current research on a child mummy from the Kelsey’s collections. A CT-Scan has revealed some surprising information about the 2,000-year old Egyptian child–six digits on one hand, how the body was compressed by mummification and evidence for the process used to remove the brain.

Exhibition curator Terry Wilfong will guide members of the media through the exhibition. Refreshments and a brief question and answer period will follow the tour.

Flash and video photography permitted. For the location and more information on the Kelsey Museum, visit

INTERESTED? RSVP by phone or e-mail to Todd Gerring at (734) 647-4167 or [email protected]by 5 p.m. Nov. 7.