Michigan Quarterly Review features essays, poetry

July 17, 2002

ANN ARBOR—The summer issue of the University of Michigan’s Michigan Quarterly Review (MQR) is now available for purchase. Lucia M. Suarez discusses memory in her essay, “The Dynamics of Memory: Geography and Language in John Phillip Santos’s and Ilan Stavan’s Memoirs.” Suarez uses these two works to understand the purpose of memory in the human psyche. Suarez is an assistant professor of Romance Languages and Literature at U-M. With the support of a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, she is working on a book project on literature from the Haitian and Dominican diaspora.

Two essays in this MQR issue were presented as lectures at U-M, including alumnus Edmund White’s talk, “Writing Gay,” presented at the 2002 Hopwood Awards ceremony. White, who won a Hopwood Award in 1962, has published 15 books in his career. His most recent is “A Stroll Through the Paradoxes of Paris.” He teaches at Princeton University. Lawrence Buell contributes a lecture he gave honoring the retirement of James McIntosh, U-M professor of English, titled, “Emersonian Anti-Mentoring: From Thoreau to Dickinson and Beyond.” Buell is chair of the English Department at Harvard University and is the author of several books. Keith Taylor, of the U-M English department, and alumna Anne Stevenson contribute their poems to the summer MQR. Taylor wrote “Class Jumping at Chateau Lake Louise,” and “After Twenty Years,” and Stevenson wrote “New York is Crying.” Stevenson grew up in Ann Arbor. Taylor, who teaches creative writing at U-M, has published five books of poetry and one collection of short stories. He also co-edited “The Huron River: Voices from the Watershed,” and “What These Ithakas Mean: Readings in Cavafy.”

Laurence Goldstein, editor of MQR, describes Stevenson as, “arguably our greatest alumnus poet.” Stevenson was the inaugural winner of the Northern Rock Writer Award, and has published nine collections of poetry, including, “The Collected Poems, 1955-1995.” Also in this issue is Miles Harvey‘s review of author Nick Delbanco, entitled, “Nicholas Delbanco De Nos Jours.” Harvey comments, “For if he ever lost it, Nicholas Delbanco has clearly rediscovered his stride as a writer.” Harvey is an alumnus of U-M’s MFA program, and the author of “The Island of Lost Maps: A True Story of Cartographic Crime.” MQR is published quarterly; yearly subscriptions can be purchased for $25, and single copies are available for $7. Contact MQR at 915 E. Washington St., 3032 Rackham Building, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1070, for more details.

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