Michigan Sea Grant publications help make summer safer, more interesting
Michigan Sea Grant publications help make summer safer, more interesting
ANN ARBOR—Michigan Sea Grant publications can help you make the most of the sultry summer days and the myriad recreational opportunities associated with the Great Lakes and their surroundings.
“Lake Superior Recreation and Weather” describes numerous activities for sightseers, vacationers and outdoor enthusiasts to make the most of a visit to the largest Great Lake.
For visitors to the popular freshwater dunes surrounding Lake Michigan, “Discovering Great Lakes Dunes” captures the beauty of these unique geological features and highlights their rich diversity. The 32-page booklet features color photos of some of the most dramatic dunes in the Great Lakes region as well as valuable information about their ecology.
For visitors and residents who want to discover the plant world of the Great Lakes region, two fully illustrated field guides can help. “A Field Guide to Great Lakes Wetlands,” and “A Field Guide to Great Lakes Coastal Plants” help identify common plants and offer information about the lakeshore regions.
Boating is one of the most popular recreational activities on the Great Lakes and Michigan Sea Grant’s “Lightning and Boats” is an important guide for all boat owners—and passengers—to ensure a safe and healthy activity. The booklet explains how to recognize an approaching storm; what to do if caught on the water, and describes a lightning protection system boaters can install to minimize the chances of harm.
“Eating Great Lakes Fish” describes methods of filleting and preparing fish to reduce the amount of contaminants found in some species. Also available are pocket-sized ID cards that help anglers to identify exotic fish they may encounter.
“Ocean Motion,” another short guide, gives boaters valuable information on preventing and combating motion sickness while on the water, fresh or salt.
All of the publications mentioned are available from Michigan Sea Grant and can be ordered by phone at (734)-764-1118, by
Michigan Sea Grant is a cooperative program of the University of Michigan and Michigan State University that supports understanding and stewardship of Great Lakes and ocean resources.
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U-M News and Information Services
University of Michigan
Michigan Sea GrantDiscovering Great Lakes DunesBoatingEating Great Lakes Fishhttp://www.umich.edu/~newsinfo/U-M News and Information ServicesUniversity of Michigan