Moving Minds: The Next Transportation Infrastructure

October 20, 2009

DATE: Nov. 9-11, 2009.

EVENT: The three-day conference, “Moving Minds: The Next Transportation Infrastructure,” will bring together researchers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and policy makers from around the world to discuss sustainable transportation.

The conference is hosted by the University of Michigan SMART Project (Sustainable Mobility & Accessibility Research & Transformation) and is known as the SMART Summit 2009. This year’s summit will give special attention to the cultural, psychological and aspirational underpinnings of our relationship to transportation. Participants will examine ways to respond to transportation challenges with innovative systems, policies, and business models that address these dimensions sustainably, equitably and compellingly.

Addressing the challenges of sustainable transportation is especially important now, as accelerating urbanization, population growth, globalization, and demographic shifts reinforce transportation and development patterns that threaten climate, environment, biodiversity, energy security, social equity, productivity, urban economies and quality of life.

PLACE: U-M Michigan League, 911 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor.

SPONSORS: Ford Motor Co. is the lead sponsor.

WEB LINKS: For more information about SMART Summit 2009 and to view the program, visit:

Susan Zielinski, (734) 709-4571, [email protected]