New journal showcases student-faculty research
New journal showcases student-faculty research
ANN ARBOR—A group of University of Michigan undergraduate students has published the first issue of a new journal describing research they have worked on with faculty members.
The U-M Undergraduate Research Forum (UMURF) was launched at a ceremony and banquet earlier this month.
The journal is intended as a multidisciplinary showcase covering the range of undergraduate research, according to editor Wei Gu, a third-year chemical engineering student. "We also have a goal to make the articles as accessible as possible for a general audience so that a wide readership will know what U-M undergraduates have accomplished in their collaborations with faculty," Gu said.
The first issue contains reports on five projects, along with articles on general research-related topics. The five projects cover prostate cancer genetics, variations in the academic ability of children, traumatic brain injury, the brain’s response to chronic stress and the controversy surrounding the International Criminal Court.
First and second year students are connected with faculty through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) and the Women in Science and Engineering program (WISE). Sandra Gregerman, director of UROP, says the new journal was entirely a student initiative.
"From the beginning it was a pleasure to work with such a creative, motivated and talented group of students," Gregerman said. "They did their research looking at journals from peer institutions, solicited student authors and faculty reviewers, and raised the funds to support this wonderful new journal. The final product is exceptionally well-executed."
The primary sponsor of the journal’s first issue is the Office of Vice President for Research. According to Fawwaz Ulaby, vice president for research, publication of the Forum takes the University’s offerings for undergraduates to a new level.
"We have a long and distinguished record in providing research opportunities for undergraduates, through programs such as UROP and WISE. What the undergraduate students who organized the journal have done—and I give all of the credit to them—is to give the campus a professional outlet for students to publish their own scholarly results ," Ulaby said.
Other sponsors include UROP, WISE, the College of Engineering and the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, with advertising sponsorship by the Life Sciences Institute.
This first issue of UMURF in printed form is available in residence halls, the Undergraduate Library, Media Union, Pierpont Commons and UROP. It is also online at
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program >
WISE (Women in Scienc and Engineering Residence) > Research Opportunity Program >WISE (Women in Scienc and Engineering Residence) >