New York Times Magazine’s “Everyday Ethics” columnist to speak at U-M
ANN ARBOR—A recent flurry of stories has appeared in the media about the questionable ethics of prominent figures in the political arena, on Wall Street and in executive offices of major corporations. But difficult ethical problems are part of everyday life. Randy Cohen, writer of The New York Times Magazine column “Everyday Ethics,” has been responding to questions readers wrestle with since 1999. Cohen will speak at the University of Michigan at 7 p.m. Oct. 30 in Angell Hall, Auditorium A. He will share his insights on how to do the right thing, as well as respond to ethical dilemmas posed by the audience. The event is free and open to the public. A self-proclaimed “accidental ethicist,” Cohen skillfully blends humor with his own “moral authority.” He attempts to persuade readers with his arguments rather than his credentials. A music composition major, Cohen got his professional start writing humor pieces and stories in a variety of publications. He was the original head writer on The Rosie O’Donnell Show and won three Emmy Awards as a writer for Late Night with David Letterman. The event is sponsored by The Career Center, part of the U-M Division of Student Affairs. Call (734) 763-1363 for more information. or