Noted disability scholar Adrienne Asch to visit University of Michigan
Noted disability scholar Adrienne Asch to visit University of Michigan
DATE: Jan. 12-13, 2004
WHO: Adrienne Asch, a renowned advocate, author and teacher specializing in disability rights, feminism and bioethics. Asch is the Henry R. Luce Professor in Biology, Ethics and the Politics of Human Reproduction at Wellesley College. Asch has published work on the ethical, political, psychological and social issues in disability, prenatal testing, surrogacy, visual impairment, and abortion and more recently has focused on ethical and disability issues in assisted reproduction.
EVENTS: Asch will participate in three events while at U-M: • Reproductive Sciences Seminar Brown Bag Series—Noon-1 p.m. Jan. 12 in the U-M Health System Perinatal Assessment Center Conference Room, fourth floor of the Mott Extension. Her talk is titled "Ethical Issues and Assisted Reproductive Technologies." • Public Lecture—4 p.m. Jan. 12 in the Hussey Room of the Michigan League. Asch will speak on: "The Boundary between Genetic Enhancement and Disability Issues." See PDF for details. (PDF) • Bioethics, Values and Society Faculty Lecture Series—4-5:30 p.m. Jan. 13 in the North Ingalls Building, seventh floor conference room. Asch’s talk is titled "The Role of the Father in Abortion Decisions." This event is open to U-M faculty and graduate students with permission from organizers Susan Goold ([email protected]) or Amy Sheon ([email protected]).
SPONSOR: U-M Life Sciences, Values and Society Program
Sciences, Values and Society Program, (734) 647-4571.
WEB LINKS: Life Sciences, Values and Society Program[email protected][email protected]