Regents approve administrative appointments

June 17, 1999

ANN ARBOR—Administrative appointments approved by the University of Michigan Regents at their June 17 meeting included:
David L. Featherman, professor of sociology and of
psychology, was reappointed as director of the Institute for Social Research, effective Terrence J. McDonald, professor of history, was reappointed as associate dean for academic affairs of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, for a one-year term beginning July 1.
Sherril A. Smith, the Catherine B. Heller Collegiate Professor of Art and professor of art, who has been serving as interim associate dean for graduate studies at the School of Art and Design, will become associate dean for graduate studies, effective Steven N. Dworkin, who has been serving as interim chair of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, will be chair of the department, effective James W. Richards, professor of social and administrative sciences, will serve as associate dean for academic affairs of the College of Pharmacy, effective Marty M. Eichstadt, U-M’s director of benefits, will serve as interim executive director of human resources and affirmative action, effective June 18.
James G. Stevenson, director of pharmacy services at the U-M Health System, also will serve as associate dean for clinical sciences of the College of Pharmacy, effective Evans Young, assistant director of the Center for Afroamerican and African Studies and assistant to the dean for undergraduate education in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA), will become LSA’s assistant dean for the freshman and sophomore years, effective

RegentssociologypsychologyhistorySherril A. SmithDepartment of Romance Languages and Literaturessocial and administrative sciences