Regents approve promotions, status changes

July 14, 2000

Regents approve promotions, status changes

ANN ARBOR—Faculty promotions and status changes approved by the University of Michigan Regents at their July 13-14 meeting included:

Richard L. Allen, associate professor of communication studies, with tenure, will be professor of communication studies, with tenure, effective Sept. 1.

Jeffrey K. Liker, associate professor of industrial and operations engineering, with tenure, will be professor of industrial and operations engineering, with tenure, effective Sept. 1.

Julia E. Richards will be associate professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, with tenure, at the Medical School, effective July 14. She also is associate professor of epidemiology, without tenure, at the School of Public Health.

RegentsRichard L. AllenJeffrey K. LikerJulia E. Richards