Regents meeting set for Sept. 22

September 20, 2006

ANN ARBOR—The University of Michigan Board of Regents will hold its monthly meeting Friday (Sept. 22) in the Fleming Administration Building.

At the meeting, the regents will consider a proposal for sale of M-CARE to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Also on the agenda is a proposal to approve funding for asbestos abatement, demolition and site preparation at the site of the Frieze Building, the planned location of North Quad, a new residence hall and academic facility.

The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. with public comments about M-CARE, followed by the business meeting. The general public comment period will follow the business meeting.

The full regents agenda is available at:

University members and others may address their comments to the regents after the meeting. Those wishing to sign up should e-mail to [email protected] or call (734) 936-2255.