Saturday international culture workshops for teachers

October 24, 1995

ANN ARBOR— The University of Michigan’s International Institute and several of its affiliated area studies centers are offering a series of workshops that will concentrate on art, literature, music, and theater from selected world areas.

The workshops are designed for teachers of grades 6-12, community college faculty, teachers-in-training, librarians, and curriculum specialists.

The five sessions will cover Africa (Nov. 18), South and Southeast Asia (Jan. 27), China and Japan (Feb. 10), the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (March 23), and the Middle East (April 20).

A fee of $25 for attending one or two workshops is required and covers background readings, curricular materials, bibliographies, and an ethnic lunch. A fee of

For more information or to register for the workshops, contact Saturday Workshop Series Coordinator, Center for Russian and East European Studies, 204 Lane Hall, 204 S. State St., U-M, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1290, or phone (313) 764-0351.