Sea Grant online publication receives award

June 6, 2000

ANN ARBOR—The Michigan Sea Grant College Program received an Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE) Gold Award for the online version of its quarterly newsletter Upwellings. “Upwellings Online,” at, was recognized by ACE for its design, readability, and content.

“It’s nice to get a pat on the back, and their comments are always helpful,” said Sea Grant Web specialist Devra Polack. Since its debut in June of 1999, Polack has made “Upwellings Online” available to an extended audience and provided access to broader resources on the Great Lakes. “Upwellings Online lets us reach more people with fresher information,” said Polack.

“We’re constantly trying to improve ‘Upwellings Online’—its content, its design,” said Upwellings editor Joyce Daniels. “Upwellings provides information to a broad range of readers, from researchers to teachers to anyone who wants to learn about the Great Lakes, whether they read it in print or online.”

The Michigan Sea Grant College Program, a partnership between the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, is one of 30 nationwide programs dedicated to the research and understanding of the Great Lakes and oceans. For more information, contact Polack at (734)764-2421 or Daniels at (734) 647-7084.

Michigan Sea Grant College ProgramDevra PolackJoyce Daniels