Second Annual Presidential Fun Run September 10
Second Annual Presidential Fun Run September 10
President Lee Bollinger invites students, faculty and staff to join him for a midday 5K (3.1 miles) run on Thursday, September 10 at 12:30pm.
“A similar event began President Bollinger’s inauguration day last September and was very much enjoyed by the participants,” according to Jim Kosteva, director of community relations and chair of the run. “It’s a great opportunity for students, new and returning, as well as faculty and staff to have some informal time with the president,” Kosteva said. As they were last year, both the women’s and men’s cross country teams will be on hand. The run will start on the concourse level outside the southeast corner of Michigan Stadium near Crisler Arena. The course will wind around the U-M athletic complex, finishing inside the stadium. Light refreshments for participants will be available following the run. Students and staff are encouraged to utilize the campus commuter bus to and from the Crisler parking lot.
To download a 321 Kb, 200 dots-per-inch .JPEG (.JPG) file of the map seen in this release, click here and download the file “funrun.jpg” to an appropriate drive.
U-M News and Information Services University of Michigan
Lee Bollingersimilar eventcampus commuter busclick hereU-M News and Information ServicesUniversity of Michigan