Shakespearean Sonnet Slam honors great bard with a dose of 21st-century hipness

September 28, 2006

DATE: Oct. 2-Oct. 4, 2006.

EVENT: For literary purists and history buffs, it might sound like sacrilege. To those who believe William Shakespeare’s timeless words reflect the contemporary world as well as Elizabethan society, it’s incredibly hip.

Auditions will be held to choose top performances by individual students or groups giving original and compelling interpretations of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Forget about old-school readings. Performances must have a distinctive contemporary sensibility and appeal.

Judges from the Royal Shakespeare Company will be on hand to evaluate performances of one of Shakespeare’s sonnets, specifically 2, 4, 5, 11 or 12. Performances must not exceed 5 minutes.

Eight-to-10 performers and/or groups will be chosen for a performance at Rackham Auditorium on Nov. 5. Finalists will be announced by Oct. 13.

AUDITION TIME: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. To schedule an audition slot, please call Performance Network at (734) 663-0681.

PLACE: Performance Network, 120 E Huron Street, Ann Arbor.

SPONSORS: The Royal Shakespeare Company, University Musical Society, and Arts at Michigan.

Royal Shakespeare Company’s residency at the University of Michigan