Statement by President Bollinger on SCC sit-in/Michigamua

February 25, 2000

The following statement was issued to the campus community today (Feb. 25) by University of Michigan President Lee C. Bollinger:

“The recent protests about the Michigamua student organization have raised an important issue regarding the University’s policy on the allocation of office space to student organizations. Currently, there are three student organizations in the tower of the Michigan Union whose offices are not subject to periodic review and reallocation. There may be other such organizations in other facilities throughout the University.

“Space allocation is a serious and important question for the University. Office facilities on our campus are at a premium, and it is important for us to examine whether space is currently being allocated in a manner that is fair and equitable to all student organizations. Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Royster Harper has recommended and I have agreed to initiate a process to examine our policies and practices on space allocation for student groups with particular attention to the question of under what conditions, if any, a student organization should be entitled to space which is not subject to a periodic assignment process, review and potential reallocation.

“Interim Vice President Harper will immediately establish a panel comprised of three senior administrators from the Schools and Colleges to examine and make recommendations on this issue. The panel will gather public input in a variety of ways including holding public hearings to solicit student, staff, faculty and community member input. The panel will work expeditiously and make its recommendations before the end of the term. The University will then make a decision about the assignment and use of the Michigan Union tower and any other exclusively assigned space that may exist. In my view, those decisions must be made in a way that does not penalize any group for its views or beliefs and yet fully considers history and past practices. During the course of this process, the three student groups that currently have offices in the tower have voluntarily agreed to refrain from using them.

“The University must create a learning environment where each student is intellectually engaged and participates fully. This requires a climate of openness, respect and tolerance. Day in and day out we are actively engaged in cultivating this climate through activities at every level in the University. For example, I have recently established a commission, chaired by Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Nancy Cantor, to look broadly at the undergraduate experience. Among other things, the commission will be examining our recruitment and retention of students and faculty, our interdisciplinary programs, including ethnic studies, and other programs that relate to improving the climate on our campus for all students. The Schools and Colleges are also engaged in a variety of creative efforts to improve the learning environment, and our students themselves are working at numerous activities to ensure that their peers feel welcome and that student voices are heard and respected on our campus.

“Improving the learning environment for all students is a priority. I am committed to this goal and will continue to engage in the important conversations that are occurring about the climate here for all members of our community.”

“>[email protected]

Lee C. BollingerMichigan UnionVice President for Student AffairsNancy Cantor