Summer issue of the Michigan Quarterly Review is available

July 10, 1997

ANN ARBOR—The writings of a half-dozen University of Michigan faculty members are among those works appearing in the Michigan Quarterly Review’s summer issue.

Those featured include: music Prof. William Bolcom’s essay “An Update on Virgil Thomson’s ‘The State of Music'”; the poetry of Thylias Moss, associate professor of English, and of Donald Hall, retired professor of English; English Prof. Tobin Siebers’ account of getting “knocked out” as a youth growing up in the 1960s; the fiction of English Prof. Jonis Agee; and a review of T.S. Eliot’s works by George Bornstein, professor of English.

In addition to the writings of the U-M faculty, others whose works appear in the summer issue of MQR include Philip Levine, Lolita Hernandez, Eugene Goodheart, Dannie Abse, David Lehman, Reginald Gibbons, Maija Rhee Devine, Emery George, David Cowart, Nancy Jesser and Steven Kellerman.

Published by the U-M, MQR contains essays, poetry, fiction, memoirs, reviews and graphics by well-known writers and scholars. The summer issue is currently available in local bookstores and in the MQR office in Room 3032, Rackham Building. For more information, call (313) 764-9265 or consult the MQR Web site at


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