U-M 2008-09 Fulbright Scholars named

November 18, 2008

ANN ARBOR—Three University of Michigan faculty members have been awarded 2008-09 Fulbright Scholar grants; another four educators from abroad will travel to the University as scholars.

This year approximately 1,000 U.S. faculty members and professionals received Fulbright Scholar awards to lecture and conduct research abroad; a similar number of foreign scholars received awards to come to the United States.

“College and university leaders are increasingly aware of how important it is to internationalize U.S. campuses in order to prepare students for future success in a global world and marketplace,” said Sabine O’Hara, executive director for the Council for International Exchange of Scholars and vice president of the Institute of International Education. “The contributions of Fulbright Visiting Scholars and returning U.S. Fulbright Scholars are indispensable in advancing these important goals.”

U-M American grantees for 2008-09 are:

? Srinika Jayaratne, associate dean and professor, School of Social Work. Jayaratne will lecture through January on “Program Development and Evaluation in Sri Lanka” at University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka

? Thomas Phillips, assistant director, Graduate Career Services, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. This month he will take part in the seminar “U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators Program” at German-American Fulbright Commission, Berlin, Germany

? Alan Henry Tkaczyk, research fellow, Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. He will lecture and research through July on “Sustainable Nuclear Energy and Materials Science; Microfluidics for Radionuclide Detection” at University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

U-M visiting grantees for 2008-09 are:

? Maria Nela Bascos Florendo, professor, Department of History and Philosophy, College of Social Sciences, University of the Philippines-Baguio

? Yasumasa Fujinaga, associate professor, Department of Humanities and Social Science, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan

? Eileen Margaret Sung, head, Gender and Sexual Orientation Equality Unit, Northern Ireland Executive, Belfast, United Kingdom

? Jianhua Tang, associate professor, Department of Finance, College of Economy and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.