U-M awards creative students $32,000 in Hopwood Awards
ANN ARBOR—The University of Michigan’s Hopwood Awards Program awarded $31,990 to students for its fall contests.
The Hopwood Awards are the oldest and most prestigious college writing prizes in the country. A ceremony announcing the awards was held Wednesday at U-M’s Rackham Amphitheater and included a reading by author Raquel Salas Rivera, a poet and winner of the 2018 Ambroggio Prize and the Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Poetry.
The awards are supported by a bequest from Avery Hopwood, a 1905 U-M graduate who was the most commercially successful Broadway playwright of the 1920s, and Jule Hopwood, his mother. Winners include:
First- and Second-Year Hopwood Awards in Fiction
- Jena Vallina, Romeoville, Ill., “The Doglord,” $1,750
- Kathryn DesLauries, Buchanan, Mich., “In the Woods Somewhere,” $1,500
- Vivian Chiao, Ann Arbor, “Two Stories: While I Was Away and Home with the Fairies,” $1,000
First- and Second- Year Hopwood Awards in Poetry
- Nicole Tooley, Ann Arbor, “Unfamiliar Family Portraits,, $1,500
- Jade Wurst, Commerce Township, Mich., “darkroom,” $1,000
- Olivia Evans, Northville, Mich., “Overwinter,” $1,000
- Destiny Wu, Grand Rapids, Mich., “Letters Home,” $800
First- and Second-Year Hopwood Awards in Nonfiction
- Elizabeth Farmer, Grand Rapids, Mich., “This is not an Amen,” $1,750
- Olivia Evans, Northville, Mich., “Sacraments”|”Brookville”|”Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore”|”Solomon’s Temple,” $1,000
- Brooke Alisabeth Kensington Lange, Greenwich, Conn., “Go Alone, Bodice Ripping and Other Serious Business,” $800
Academy of American Poets
- Michael Weinstein, Boston, “Anniversary,” $100 (Graduate division)
- Lynne Bekdash, Basking Ridge, N.J., “Immigrant Daughter Ghazal,” $100 (Undergraduate division)
The Bain-Swiggett Poetry Prize
- Carlina Duan, Ann Arbor, “Nainai Killed Rats,” $380
- Zoya Gurm, Ann Arbor, “Paper Birch Sonnet,” $380
The Michael R. Gutterman Award
- Bryan Byrdlong, Chicago, Ill., “Still Life: ‘blǽknes,'” $600
- Miriam Saperstein, Huntington Woods, Mich., “control,” $550
The Marjorie Rapaport Award in Poetry
- Smitty Smith, Detroit, “twilight,” $800
- Benjamin Glass, Huntington Woods, Mich., “October Sonnet,” $600
The Jeffrey L. Weisberg Memorial Award
- Hiba Dagher, Dearborn, Mich., “35 MM with Two Grandfathers,” $1,000
- Julia Freeman, Irvine, Calif., “Trying to watch anime while my brother fights through chemo,” $800
Roy W. Cowden Memorial Fellowship
- Drew Allyn Metcalf, Southfield, Mich., “No More Monsters,” $3,500
- Matt Harmon, Royal Oak, Mich., “Exhibits in a Zoo,” $3,500
- Mylicia Williams, Ann Arbor, “the birds are running away from me,” $2,500
- Grace Toll, Jackson, Mich., “Coruscate,” $2,500
- Emily Russell, Columbus, Mich., “BEAT,” $1,000
- Dylan Gilbert, Ann Arbor, “On black girls and brooks,” $700
The Roy and Helen Meador Writing Award
- Jena Vallina, Romeoville, Ill., “The Doglord,” $980
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