U-M career conference registration now open

February 11, 2015


DATE: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. March 6, 2015

EVENT: The 33rd annual Women of Color Task Force Career Conference will feature keynote speaker Alfred Squire, former workforce development manager for the Greenville Health System and current director of the MedEx Academy.

Squire’s address begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Modern Languages Building Auditorium. The theme of this year’s conference is “Tools for the Journey: Self-Awareness, Confidence & Respect.”

Attendees can choose from 22 workshop sessions designed to support their professional and personal development. The conference is open to all U-M staff, faculty and students, and the general public.

Squire has spent most of his career as a director of operations, human resources, training and diversity for multiple organizations. He has advised and made presentations to government agencies, industries, businesses, organizations, universities and schools on topics that include leadership, change management, diversity, training and development and strategic planning.

PLACE: Conference sessions will be held at the Michigan League, Modern Languages Building and Alumni Center. Central Campus map: campusinfo.umich.edu/campusmap

REGISTRATION: The event is open to the public, but registration is required. The cost is $75 for U-M students and retirees, and $120 for all others. A $100 special rate is available for U-M departments sending three or more people.

INFORMATION: Complete conference information and registration instructions are available at cew.umich.edu.

SPONSORS: TIAA-CREF, University Human Resources, UMHS-Human Resources Office, Office of the Provost, Center for the Education of Women