U-M conference to feature U.S. and state economic forecasts

November 9, 2009

DATE: Nov. 19-20, 2009.

EVENT: University of Michigan’s 57th annual Economic Outlook Conference.

PLACE: Rackham Building Amphitheater, 915 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor.

BACKGROUND: U-M economist Joan Crary will open the conference with “The U.S. Economic Outlook for 2010-2011” at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 19. Richard Curtin, director of the Surveys of Consumers at the U-M Institute for Social Research, will also present “The 2010 Outlook for Consumption.”

The next day (Nov. 20) at 9:30 a.m., U-M economist George Fulton will present “The 2010-2011 Outlook for the Michigan Economy.”

Other presentations include:

? “Economic Recovery: Will Small Business Provide the Jobs?” by William Dunkelberg, Temple University and the National Federation of Independent Business.

? “The Outlook of Housing and Mortgage Markets in 2010: Is the Recovery for Real?” by David Berson, PMI Group.

? “Reactions to the Stock Market Crash” by Tyler Shumway, Ross School of Business.

? “Health Care Reform: Policies, Politics, and Progress” by Paula Lantz, U-M School of Public Health.

? “What is the Future of the Detroit Three and What Does That Mean for Michigan?” by Arthur Schwartz, General Motors Corp.

? “What Should Michigan Be Doing to Promote Long-Term Economic Development?” by Timothy Bartik, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

? A perspective on the U.S. economic outlook by Peter Hooper, Deutsche Bank Securities.

SPONSOR: U-M Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics (RSQE).

WEB: http://rsqe.econ.lsa.umich.edu/pages/Conference.html