U-M conference will feature national and state economic forecasts

November 9, 2004

DATE: Nov. 18-19, 2004

EVENT: University of Michigan’s 52nd annual Economic Outlook Conference

PLACE: Rackham Building Amphitheater, 915 E. Washington St., Campus map: http://www.parking.umich.edu/maps/central_south.pdf

BACKGROUND: Saul Hymans, U-M professor of economics and director of the Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics (RSQE) will open the conference with “The U.S. Economic Outlook for 2005-2006” at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 18.

Richard Curtin, director of the Surveys of Consumers at the U-M Institute for Social Research (ISR), will follow with “The Consumer Outlook for 2005” at 11 a.m.

The next day (Nov. 19) at 9:30 a.m., U-M economists Joan Crary and George Fulton will present “The 2005-2006 Outlook for the Michigan Economy.”

Other presentations include:

“Information Technology, the Measurement of Capital and the Productive Capacity of the Economy” by Daniel Sichel, Federal Reserve Board (Nov. 18).

“The National Economic Outlook: A Financial Markets Perspective” by Richard Berner, Morgan Stanley (Nov. 18).

“Why Tax Business?” by Joel Slemrod, U-M Department of Economics and Ross School of Business (Nov. 18). “Social Security Solvency: A Crisis?” by John Laitner, U-M Department of Economics (Nov. 18).

“EU/U.S. Economic Relations in a Globalized Economy” by Jacques Mistral, Embassy of France in the United States (Nov. 18).

“Challenges Facing the Automobile Industry in the 21st Century” by Martin Zimmerman, Ford Motor Co. (Nov. 19).

“The Disappearance of Manufacturing?” by William Strauss, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (Nov. 19).

SPONSOR: U-M Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics

MORE INFORMATION: Contact Janet Peake at RSQE (734-764-2567 or [email protected])or see http://rsqe.econ.lsa.umich.edu/conference.htm.

EDITORS: Reporters who plan to cover the conference should contact Bernie DeGroat (see above).


http://www.parking.umich.edu/maps/central_south.pdf[email protected]http://rsqe.econ.lsa.umich.edu/conference.htm