U-M conference will feature national and state economic forecasts
DATE: Nov. 18-19, 2004
EVENT: University of Michigan’s 52nd annual Economic Outlook Conference
PLACE: Rackham Building Amphitheater, 915 E. Washington St., Campus map: http://www.parking.umich.edu/maps/central_south.pdf
BACKGROUND: Saul Hymans, U-M professor of economics and director of the Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics (RSQE) will open the conference with “The U.S. Economic Outlook for 2005-2006” at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 18.
Richard Curtin, director of the Surveys of Consumers at the U-M Institute for Social Research (ISR), will follow with “The Consumer Outlook for 2005” at 11 a.m.
The next day (Nov. 19) at 9:30 a.m., U-M economists Joan Crary and George Fulton will present “The 2005-2006 Outlook for the Michigan Economy.”
Other presentations include:
• “Information Technology, the Measurement of Capital and the Productive Capacity of the Economy” by Daniel Sichel, Federal Reserve Board (Nov. 18).
• “The National Economic Outlook: A Financial Markets Perspective” by Richard Berner, Morgan Stanley (Nov. 18).
• “Why Tax Business?” by Joel Slemrod, U-M Department of Economics and Ross School of Business (Nov. 18). • “Social Security Solvency: A Crisis?” by John Laitner, U-M Department of Economics (Nov. 18).
• “EU/U.S. Economic Relations in a Globalized Economy” by Jacques Mistral, Embassy of France in the United States (Nov. 18).
• “Challenges Facing the Automobile Industry in the 21st Century” by Martin Zimmerman, Ford Motor Co. (Nov. 19).
• “The Disappearance of Manufacturing?” by William Strauss, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (Nov. 19).
SPONSOR: U-M Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics
MORE INFORMATION: Contact Janet Peake at RSQE (734-764-2567 or [email protected])or see http://rsqe.econ.lsa.umich.edu/conference.htm.
EDITORS: Reporters who plan to cover the conference should contact Bernie DeGroat (see above).
http://www.parking.umich.edu/maps/central_south.pdf[email protected]http://rsqe.econ.lsa.umich.edu/conference.htm