U-M experts available to discuss 2004 presidential elections

November 4, 2003

ANN ARBOR—As the nation debates many topics—from the environment to war—during the 2004 presidential election, the University of Michigan has various experts to offer insight on the issues until voters cast their ballots on Nov. 2, 2004.


Media coverage Ted Brader, associate research scientist, Center for Political Studies (734) 936-1777 [email protected] His research interests include public opinion, media effects and political parties. Note: He will be available for interviews starting January 2004.

Anthony Collings, lecturer, communication studies (734) 763-4792 [email protected] A former CNN and Newsweek reporter, he can provide insight into print and broadcast coverage of the election campaign, including issues of journalism ethics. More

Voters/voting behavior Vincent Hutchings, associate professor, Center for Political Studies (734) 764-6591 [email protected] His general interests include public opinion, elections, voting behavior and African American politics. More

Arthur Lupia, senior research scientist, Center for Political Studies (734) 647-7549 [email protected] He studies how people make decisions when they lack information and has applied these insights to topics such as voting and elections, civic competence, and the role of the media and the internet in politics.

Ronald Stockton, political science professor, U-M-Dearborn (313) 593-5384 [email protected] He co-directs the Detroit Arab-American study, which interviewed 1,000 Arab Americans and Chaldean residents and 500 non-Arab residents in the Detroit area. The study is designed to assess the long-term social, political and economic changes in the wake of Sept.11, 2001. More

Internet/voting technology Michael Traugott, senior research scientist, Center for Political Studies; chair, Department of Communication Studies (734) 764-0420 [email protected] One of his projects involves assessing the impact of existing technology and ballot designs on some factors: the ability of voters to cast their ballots accurately and efficiently, and the level of voter turnout. More

W. Russell Neuman, professor of communication studies and senior research scientist in the Center for Political Studies (734) 764-0420 [email protected] His research focuses on political communication and new media technology.

Slogans, paraphernalia Nicholas Valentino, assistant professor in the political science department (734) 764-3351 [email protected] He is an expert on the impact of mass media during political campaigns on the attitudes and political behavior of citizens. He also will collect the literature from all presidential candidates to study the strategies and messages during the campaign. More

Strategies Mark Guerrieri, political science professor, U-M-Dearborn (313) 583-6406 (office); (248) 280-0025 (home) [email protected] He is an expert on political consultants and negative campaigning. He can also discuss campaign strategies at the national, state and local levels.


Michael Belzer, assistant research scientist, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (734) 647-9474 [email protected] He is an expert on labor unions, labor-management relations, employment policy, collective bargaining, health and safety of workers, and the labor market. More

Don Grimes, senior research associate, Institute for Labor and Industrial Relations (734) 763-0070 [email protected] Grimes specializes in economic forecasting and regional economic development. More

Saul Hymans, director, Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics (734) 764-3299 [email protected] Hymans is nationally known for his award-winning forecasts of the United States and Michigan economies More

Matt Shapiro, economics professor, department of economics (734) 764-5419 [email protected] Shapiro is an expert on investment and capital utilization, business-cycle fluctuations, consumption and saving, financial markets, monetary policy, and time-series econometrics. More

Joel Slemrod, director, Office of Tax Policy Research (734) 936-3914 [email protected] Slemrod is a nationally known authority on economic effects of taxation, international aspects of taxation, tax compliance and tax law enforcement, tax reform and savings behavior More


Barry Rabe, professor of public policy in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and director of the Program in the Environment (734) 647-4333 [email protected] He is an expert on environmental issues on the state and federal levels. He can also discuss issues affecting the U.S.-Canada relationship, including the summer power outage that affected both countries. More


Catherine McLaughlin, professor of Health Management and Policy and director of the Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured (734) 764-9335 [email protected] McLauglin is an expert on the causes and consequences of the lack of health insurance coverage. Published numerous articles on health care markets, cost containment and consumer choice. More


Kenneth Lieberthal, professor of political science and business administration (734) 764-6120 [email protected] He served as special assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and senior director for Asia on the National Security Council under President Clinton. More

Raymond Tanter, professor emeritus, department of political science (202) 333-7346 (office and residence) (202) 320-8434 (cell) [email protected] Having served at the White House on the National Security Council staff, Tanter is an expert on Arab-Israeli conflict and U.S. relations with "rogue regimes," such as Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and present-day Iran. More


Elizabeth Gerber, professor of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) (734) 647-4004 [email protected] She is an expert on the policy consequences of electoral laws and other political institutions.


J. David Singer, professor emeritus, department of political science (734) 663-6835 [email protected] Singer is an expert on international conflict, diplomacy, arms control, deterrence and foreign policy. More