U-M experts available to discuss gay marriages

November 21, 2003


ANN ARBOR—The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court declared that gay couples have the right to marry under the state constitution. Several University of Michigan experts are available to discuss the ruling and other related issues.

Jill Hasday, visiting law professor in the Law School, can discuss anti-discrimination law, constitutional law and family law. She can be reached at (734) 647-0989 or [email protected]. Profile

William Meezan, professor in the School of Social Work, has done research on children’s services, including family support, child abuse and neglect, family preservation and adoption. He has also studied themes in the gay and lesbian populations. He can be contacted at (734) 763-3428 or [email protected]. For more information on Meezan: Profile

Pamela Smock, associate director, Institute for Social Research, can discuss the benefits to adults and children of marriage and the research regarding the well-being of children growing up in gay and lesbian families. She can be reached at (734) 615-6630 or [email protected]. For more information on Smock: Profile

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