U-M experts available to discuss stem cell research Nov. 4 marks one-year anniversary of Proposal 2 approval by Michigan voters

November 2, 2009

ANN ARBOR—Nov. 4 is the one-year anniversary of the vote approving Proposal 2, which amended the state constitution to ease restrictions on embryonic stem cell research in Michigan.

Several U-M scientists are available to discuss stem cell research at the University of Michigan. A list of U-M stem cell experts is available at http://www.umich.edu/stemcell/experts

While no projects to derive human embryonic stem cell lines have begun at the University of Michigan, significant steps have been taken over the past year to prepare for such projects:

? The university’s new Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies was launched in March. It involves researchers across campus, as well as collaborators at Michigan State University and Wayne State University.

? Funding commitments of nearly $2 million have been obtained to start the CSCT.

? Three new research associates have been hired for the project, and a fourth will be hired soon.

? Lab space totaling 1,254 square feet has been secured for the consortium, and the labs have been outfitted with all the state-of-the-art equipment needed to do stem-cell-line derivation. The work will be done at the U-M Health System.

The U-M Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies is ready to begin derivation of new human embryonic stem cell lines as soon as all the required regulatory approvals are in place.

More information about U-M stem cell research is available at http://www.umich.edu/stemcell