U-M experts can discuss the State of the Union address

February 8, 2013

ANN ARBOR—President Obama is likely to discuss immigration, climate change, the economy and other issues during Tuesday’s annual State of the Union address. The University of Michigan has experts available to lend their insights.


Andrew Hoffman, director of the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, can discuss what he expects President Obama to say about addressing climate change. Immediately afterward, he can assess the president’s comments about climate change. He can also field questions about the social debate over climate change and why some people reject the scientific consensus. Hoffman is the Holcim Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, a position with joint appointments at the Ross School of Business and School of Natural Resources and Environment. He can be reached at (734) 763-9455, (617) 285-0920 or [email protected]. More about Hoffman: http://webuser.bus.umich.edu/ajhoff.

Barry Rabe, professor of public policy at U-M’s Ford School and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, is an expert on the development of policies to reduce greenhouse gases. He was the first social scientist to receive a Climate Protection Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2006 and is author of the book “Statehouse and Greenhouse: The Evolving Politics of American Climate Change Policy.” Rabe is available for interviews on Obama administration climate initiatives and programs the EPA has launched in recent years. He can be reached at (734) 615-9596, (734) 765-1677 or [email protected].


Donald Grimes, senior research associate and economist at the Institute for Research on Labor, Employment, and the Economy, specializes in economic forecasting and regional economic development, especially in Michigan and the Midwest. He can be reached at (941) 225-1304 or [email protected].


Ann Chih Lin, associate professor of political science and public policy, can discuss immigration reform. She can be reached at (734) 764-7507 or [email protected].

Nicholas Valentino, associate professor of communication studies and political science, conducts research on race, ethnicity and politics, as well as on political psychology. He can be reached at (734) 474-0477 or [email protected].


Michael Heaney, assistant professor of organizational studies and political science, examines the organizational dimensions of American politics. His research focuses on the role of intermediary institutions—especially interest groups, political parties and social movements—in shaping the political process and policy outcomes. He can be reached at (202) 236-3369 or [email protected].

Vincent Hutchings, associate professor at the U-M Institute for Social Research’s Center for Political Studies, is an expert in public opinion, voting behavior and African-American politics. He can be reached at (734) 764-6591 or [email protected].


Joshua Pasek, assistant professor of communication studies, has done research exploring how new media and psychological processes each shape political attitudes, public opinion and political behaviors. He can be reached at (734) 763-3185 or [email protected].


Aaron Kall, director of the U-M Debate Program and Debate Institute, can discuss the overall issues involving the State of the Union address. His expert profile is available at http://ns.umich.edu/new/experts/experts-list/20728-aaron-kall. He can be reached at (734) 239-3996 or [email protected].