U-M expoSItion showcases information professionals

January 21, 2004


DATE: Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004

EVENT: Employers looking for interns and employees with extensive knowledge in the information management professions will find them at the University of Michigan School of Information expoSItion.

Master’s and doctoral students will display projects that demonstrate their skills in Web development, E-commerce, community networking, usability, information management, archiving, databases, digital imaging, search and retrieval, and other topics.

"Employers can talk to students, collect resumes and see first-hand the kinds of projects our students are capable of producing," said Joanna Kroll, assistant director of career services. "Prospective students also attend to meet faculty and current students and get a feel for the range of programs offered."

TIME: 2 p.m.-5 p.m.

PLACE: Haven Hall (lobby), 505 S. State Street (behind Angell Hall) Central Campus map: http://www.umich.edu/~newsinfo/ccamp.html


WEB LINKS: For more event information, visit si.umich.edu/exposition.

