U-M helps Michigan communities guard against bio-terror attacks

March 12, 2004


U-M helps Michigan communities guard against bio-terror attacks

DATE: March-May, 2004

EVENT: “Laboratory Aspects of Bioterrorism,” is a one-day training session, held in eight locations across Michigan over the next several weeks, to examine laboratory features of biological and chemical agents that could be used in a deliberate manner to threaten people.

The workshop is primarily for non-laboratory public health professionals but also other healthcare workers and emergency management workers involved in bioterrorism preparedness.

PLACES: Kalamazoo, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Midland, Traverse City, Marquette, Pontiac and Wayne

SPONSORS: U-M School of Public Health Academic Center for Public Health Preparedness and the Michigan Department of Community Health

TO REGISTER: Participants interested in attending this free course must register online at http://mi.train.org

WEB LINKS: For complete information on the courses, please visit:http://www.sph.umich.edu/bioterrorism/education/lab_course.html


