U-M ISR remembers the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr .

January 27, 2004

DATE: 1:30-5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 6, 2004

EVENT: In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR) is sponsoring a panel discussion on the role of interdisciplinary research in reducing racial and ethnic health disparities. Panelists include Ana Diez-Roux, James House, James Jackson, Pamela Thornton, and David Williams. ISR Director David Featherman will moderate the discussion and the director of the ISR Survey Research Center (SRC), Robert Groves, will provide closing remarks. A reception will be held immediately following the panel discussion.

PLACE: Rooms 6050 and 6006 in the main ISR Building, 426 Thompson St. Map: http://www.umich.edu/news/ccamp.html

BACKGROUND: Panelists will address the changes in health disparities over time in the broader context of health care and civil rights. The discussion will also focus on contributing factors to health disparities such as inadequate access, social and economic determinants, and health care practices and behaviors. In addition, issues of segregation, experiences of discrimination, and their impact on neighborhoods will be part of the group discussion.

SPONSORS: University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR); ISR Survey Research Center; ISR Diversity Committee

WEB SITE: www.isr.umich.edu