U-M Regents approve first undergraduate degree in public health

September 17, 2015
Written By:
Laurel Thomas

ANN ARBOR—The University of Michigan School of Public Health soon will admit its first class of students for a new undergraduate program, leading to a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in public health.

The U-M Board of Regents approved the new major today. If also approved by the Presidents Council, State Universities of Michigan, SPH plans to open its doors to 50 undergraduates in fall 2016, and eventually build the program to serve 300 students.

For nearly 75 years, the highly ranked graduate school has educated some of the world’s leading public health practitioners, administrators and researchers through its master’s and doctoral programs.

“Undergraduate students are increasingly engaged in the process of building a healthier world. This is a core value of the University of Michigan and the School of Public Health,” said SPH Dean Martin Philbert. “By integrating public health education into the undergraduate experience, we will create more informed citizens who are better prepared to address the myriad challenges that will be part of the world they inherit.”

Leaders cite growing demand for undergraduate programs in public health, evidenced by increased numbers of students graduating into the field, the creation of similar degrees at peer institutions, calls from leading health organizations for more programs and courses, and feedback from current and prospective U-M students.

The school’s addition of a handful of highly subscribed undergraduate courses in 2009 also demonstrated interest in the study of public health at this level.

“We currently have four undergraduate courses and the students love them,” said Gary Harper, professor in the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education and chair of the task force charged with leading the effort to create an undergraduate program.

Surveys taken in those courses, and one done by the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Student Government, revealed great student interest in an undergraduate major, Harper said. Students and parents also have asked about a major since the announcement in recent months of a new Department of Nutrition at SPH.

“Part of it is to be responsive to students’ needs and desires. Part of it is to address the Institute of Medicine call for an educated citizenry,” said Harper, adding that a goal is to offer classes that could be taken by nonmajors as well.

The Institute of Medicine has challenged higher education leaders to increase the number of undergraduate public health courses nationwide, both to boost the numbers of young people going into the profession and create a citizenry that is prepared to address emerging health issues.

Currently identified problems include antimicrobial resistance, emerging infectious diseases, bioterrorism, obesity, unequal access to care, tobacco control, rapid technological changes in the health care system, environmental toxins, shortage of clean water, and climate impacts on food supply.

The program emphasis will be on multidisciplinary training with a focus on these 21st century public health problems, leaders say. Students seeking the undergraduate degree can choose from one of three areas of concentration: public health sciences, global public health and community public health.

The major will require a field learning experience, with study abroad encouraged. Students will apply as sophomores and be admitted for their final two years as an undergraduate.

Although some new faculty will be hired, leaders say a number of current SPH faculty also will teach undergraduate courses. One of the unique features of the U-M program is that its multidisciplinary curriculum will cross all six current departments: biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health sciences, health behavior and health education, health management and policy, and nutritional sciences.

“We have a unique and impressive faculty who are engaged in cutting edge work in public health,” said Philbert, adding that undergraduates will be exposed to research from some of the top scientists in the field.

“At the School of Public Health, we create new knowledge and develop community engagement activities to promote health worldwide. We focus especially on health equity and disadvantaged populations. Undergraduate students will be exposed to the process of scientific discovery and will learn to apply that knowledge to public health problems around the world.”


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