U-M symposium to discuss impact of digitization on libraries, universities, government, information policy, publishing and education

March 14, 2006

DATE: March 10-11, 2006

EVENT:” Scholarship and Libraries in Transition: A Dialogue on the Impacts of Mass Digitization Projects” will discuss the changing information environment.

Keynote speakers include Tim O’Reilly, founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media, and Clifford Lynch, director of the Coalition for Networked Information. Twenty national and international panelists will engage the audience in conversation and share perspectives about the impacts of mass digitization initiatives.

PLACE: Rackham Auditorium on U-M’s Central Campus. Map: http://www.umich.edu/news/Maps/ccamp.html

SPONSORS: University of Michigan University Library and the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science.

MEDIA REGISTRATION: Media should register with Joanne Nesbit at U-M News Service at (734) 647-4418 or [email protected].

EVENT CONTACT: Laurie Alexander, U-M Senior Associate Librarian, (734) 936-2381, [email protected].


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