U-Michigan experts available to discuss India election
ANN ARBOR—For the first time in India in 30 years, a single party has received majority to form a government. Narendra Modi from the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) is projected to be the next Indian prime minister. He defeated the Congress Party led by Rahul Ghandhi, promising to crack down on corruption and revive the economy.
These University of Michigan experts can discuss the election:
Leela FernandesLeela Fernandes, professor of political science, studies the relationship between politics and culture. She doubts that the election marks the end of the Gandhi dynasty. Contact: [email protected], (734) 780-7514
“The extent of the Congress’ route also is a consequence of the failure of Rahul Gandhi to mount an effective electoral campaign. As long as the Congress relies on the Gandhi family, dynastic influences will continue.
“The more significant issues at hand are what the elections mean for the future of Indian politics. The presence of a strong opposition party is as important to a strong democracy as the ability to produce a stable government with a clear majority for a single party.”
Brian MinBrian Min, assistant professor of political science, studies the political economy of development, with a focus on the politics of energy, ethnic politics and civil conflict. Contact: [email protected], (734) 546-6824
“This is a landmark moment for Indian democracy. The results demonstrate that voters are willing to sharply change course, abandoning Congress, which has stood for decades as the party of the masses.
“Congress’ strategy to lure rural voters by promising lavish new spending did not work this time around. It no longer seems that Indians feel locked into voting for the same party over and over.”
Juan ColeJuan Cole, professor of history, is an expert of politics and culture of the Indian subcontinent with a focus on Indo-Pak relations. Contact: [email protected], (734) 764-6305
“With the U.S. withdrawing from Afghanistan, the potential for Indo-Pak rivalry in that country is likely enhanced with a more nationalist party in New Delhi. Still, some observers have suggested that incoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be less hawkish on foreign policy than was the case with the last BJP government, and more focused on economic advances and energy issues.”