U-Michigan faculty experts advisory: Party national conventions
ANN ARBOR—The first of two party national conventions begins today as the Republicans discuss their platform in Tampa. University of Michigan faculty are available to talk to journalists about the GOP convention, as well as issues that will be discussed at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.
Donald Grimes, senior research associate and economist at the Institute for Research on Labor, Employment, and the Economy, specializes in economic forecasting and regional economic development, especially in Michigan and the Midwest. He can be reached at (941) 225-1304 or [email protected].
Michael Heaney, assistant professor of organizational studies and political science, examines the organizational dimensions of American politics. His research focuses on the role of intermediary institutions—especially interest groups, political parties and social movements—in shaping the political process and policy outcomes. He can be reached at (202) 236-3369 or [email protected].
Vincent Hutchings, associate professor at the ISR Center for Political Studies, is an expert in elections, public opinion, voting behavior and African-American politics. He can be reached at (734) 764-6591 or [email protected].
University of Michigan Department of Political Science and Organizational studies professor Michael Heaney explains what to look out for from the Republican Convention this election season.
Arthur Lupia, political science professor and senior research scientist at the ISR Center for Political Studies, deals with questions regarding voting and elections, civic competence, parliamentary governance, and the role of the media and the Internet in politics. He can be reached at (734) 277-0212 or [email protected].
Michael Traugott, professor of communication studies and senior research scientist at the ISR Center for Political Studies, is an authority on political communication, public opinion, media polling and campaign surveys. He can be reached at (734) 647-0421 or [email protected].
Nicholas Valentino, associate professor of communication studies and political science, conducts research on race, ethnicity and politics, as well as on political psychology. He can be reached at (734) 764-3351 or [email protected].