Unpublished songs of Cole Porter to be presented at U-M

October 23, 2003


Unpublished songs of Cole Porter to be presented at U-M

DATE: Nov. 2, 2003, 2-4 p.m.

EVENT: Judy Brown, a University of Michigan School of Music graduate known as the authority on the music of Cole Porter, will present selected pieces from Porter’s unpublished works in a master class for U-M Musical Theater students. The class is free and open to the public.

Ann Arbor is the first venue outside of New York City where these Porter works are being performed.

Brown, a former teacher in the Ann Arbor Public Schools and a pianist, conductor and arranger, presented a musical revue of these unpublished works in New York in a show she titled "Porterphiles." Brown has compiled and edited "Cole Porter Rediscovered" for Warner Brothers Publications and recorded "Unmined Cole: Unpublished Gems of Cole Porter."

While audiences may be familiar with some of the Porter lyrics, they will not have heard the lyrics set to the music Brown will be presenting. Some of the works were cut from stage musicals and movies, others are works that have not been produced or were created for various special occasions. Students from the U-M’s Musical Theater program will assist Brown.

PLACE: Britton Recital Hall in the School of Music, 1100 Baits Drive on U-M’s North Campus.

SPONSORS: Friends of Musical Theater, U-M School of Music

WEB LINKS: For more information visit the School of Music Website at http://www.music.umich.edu/