All Stories

  1. Exonerated: Freeing the wrongly accused from prison December 4, 2023
  2. A year of ChatGPT: U-M experts available to comment November 30, 2023
  3. AI in society: Perspectives from the field November 29, 2023
  4. COP28 climate summit in Dubai: U-M student team attending November 29, 2023
  5. 2023 Chesapeake Bay dead zone smallest on record November 28, 2023
  6. Michigan clean energy bills signed by Gov. Whitmer: U-M experts available to comment November 28, 2023
  7. Nextgen computing: Hard-to-move quasiparticles glide up pyramid edges November 28, 2023
  8. Striking a ‘Crescendo’ in after-school arts programming November 27, 2023
  9. Automated shuttle planned for Detroit starts safety testing at Mcity November 27, 2023
  10. ‘Dolomite Problem’: 200-year-old geology mystery resolved November 23, 2023
  11. Pass the stuffing and turkey, not the political talk November 22, 2023
  12. Personal finances improve while economic outlook darkens November 22, 2023
  13. Dwarf galaxies use 10-million-year quiet period to churn out stars November 21, 2023
  14. Robotics team: Building robots and a future in STEM November 21, 2023
  15. The psychological consequences of political violence November 21, 2023
  16. High school students with multiple concussions report increased suicidal behavior November 16, 2023
  17. Supreme Court weighing constitutionality of federal law that bars domestic abusers from possessing guns November 16, 2023
  18. U-M economic forecast: Modest growth expected, soft landing likely as inflation eases, but no guarantees November 16, 2023
  19. Generic statements widen the divide between political parties November 15, 2023
  20. Building Flint’s trust in its drinking water November 15, 2023