All Stories

  1. Saturday international culture workshops for teachers October 24, 1995
  2. Regents letter regarding President Duderstadt’s resignation October 20, 1995
  3. U-M submits 1996-97, 1997-98 budget requests to state October 20, 1995
  4. Silent film series runs through April October 19, 1995
  5. Minority students now comprise about one-fourth of the U-M’s total enrollment, a new all-time high October 19, 1995
  6. Risk-prone drivers may show tendencies in eighth grade October 18, 1995
  7. New technology transfer program creates business spin-off October 18, 1995
  8. Psychology Prof. Emeritus John R. P. French Jr. died Oct. 14 October 17, 1995
  9. Swedish diplomat Per Anger to give annual Wallenberg Lecture October 16, 1995
  10. ADVISORY: Welfare does not affect academic success October 16, 1995
  11. Free customized athletic mouth guards at School of Dentistry October 11, 1995
  12. Conference on African American scholarship Oct. 17-18 October 10, 1995
  13. Work-site wellness expert Andrea Foote died Oct. 6 October 10, 1995
  14. New weapon in battle against HCMV infection October 10, 1995
  15. J. Bernard Machen nominated to continue as provost October 9, 1995
  16. U-M honors 15 faculty members October 9, 1995
  17. ADVISORY: Story ideas for centennial of creation of X-ray October 6, 1995
  18. Check out what’s new in physics on Saturday mornings October 5, 1995
  19. Michigan’s drunk-driving laws have little impact on repeat offenders October 5, 1995
  20. Future engineers invited to attend Tech Day October 3, 1995