Arts & Culture

  1. Former Clinton aide to lecture on privacy November 28, 2001
  2. $2.7 Million NSF Grant Launches STIET Program November 26, 2001
  3. M-Pulse places third at World Solar Challenge in Australia November 22, 2001
  4. Grads receive “Distinguished Alumni Service Award” November 21, 2001
  5. New joint degree program in the environment will be offered November 21, 2001
  6. Taubman College considers Detroit redevelopment November 21, 2001
  7. Prof. MacCormack receives $1.5 million Mellon Foundation award November 19, 2001
  8. School of Public Health hosts bioterrorism preparedness discussion November 19, 2001
  9. School of Education receives $175,000 grant November 19, 2001
  10. Illustrating, celebrating and honoring the Great Lakes region November 19, 2001
  11. American customer satisfaction with everyday, non-durable goods and products holds steady November 19, 2001
  12. Environmental Justice Program unique; has Ph.D. program November 16, 2001
  13. Mike Gold: His literary and political contributions November 16, 2001
  14. Professor is pioneer in field of environmental justice November 16, 2001
  15. expoSItion showcases information professions November 16, 2001
  16. State’s recession to be milder than recent downturns November 16, 2001
  17. Solar car charges up for World Solar Challenge November 16, 2001
  18. Ancient documents, Bibles on exhibit November 16, 2001
  19. Advisory: ISR Update summarizes recent findings November 15, 2001
  20. Transportation Research Institute looks at safe driving behavior November 15, 2001