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Arts & Culture
Sixteen faculty members retire
June 18, 1999
Insights to anarchist, student Bohemian, social worker, librarian
June 17, 1999
Long before Powers and Bond: spies of the American Revolution
June 17, 1999
Regents approve administrative appointments
June 17, 1999
Four faculty members named to professorships
June 17, 1999
Fletcher Street Parking Structure to regain 82 parking spaces
June 17, 1999
Regents approve updating of Hill Auditorium Renewal Project
June 17, 1999
Regents approve Social Work Building renovations
June 17, 1999
Regents approve transfer of land to City of Ann Arbor
June 17, 1999
Alfred Taubman gives $30 million
June 17, 1999
Treatment restores normal rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation
June 17, 1999
Students win top honors in this year’s VLSI Design Contest
June 17, 1999
Using spatial illusion to learn how the brain processes sound
June 16, 1999
Solar Car ready to race—online
June 16, 1999
Some cardiac surgery risks higher when potassium levels are low
June 15, 1999
Major international cancer study to launch in association with Israel
June 14, 1999
School of Dentistry to host major government agency program
June 11, 1999
School of Dentistry to provide dental care to migrant workers
June 11, 1999
Biology department receives $1 million gift in memoriam
June 11, 1999
Time U.S. children spend with their fathers, and what they do
June 10, 1999