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Arts & Culture
Rockefeller Brothers Fund names two minority teaching fellows
June 16, 1997
Gardening to attract butterflies
June 13, 1997
It’s more than a little wild out there
June 13, 1997
Wildlife in your back yard, naturally
June 13, 1997
June 12, 1997
Teacher, students win awards for work in Greek and Latin
June 6, 1997
Anthropology Prof. Emeritus James B. Griffin died May 31
June 4, 1997
Those who recognize depression’s first signs may avoid trouble
June 4, 1997
“Stately Knowledge” offers “Just the Facts”
June 3, 1997
Pueblo pottery—more than a pot to cook in
June 3, 1997
The Internet Public Library is all “jazzed up”
June 3, 1997
U-M names four state residents as prestigious Bentley Scholars
May 30, 1997
Future increase in alcohol use by elderly drivers expected
May 29, 1997
3-D simulation of the sun’s upper atmosphere
May 27, 1997
Psychologist discusses cultures of honor, traditions of violence
May 23, 1997
Study probes the unconscious using subliminal perception
May 22, 1997
Unconscious fear of intimacy linked to early parental loss
May 22, 1997
U-M Exhibit Museum will host special “Dinosaur” postal station
May 20, 1997
Phi Beta Kappa initiates
May 20, 1997
Regents approve promotion and tenure of 147 faculty members
May 16, 1997