Business & Economy

  1. Conference on Asian auto industry will be held Oct. 23 in Dearborn October 20, 1998
  2. AIDS researchers form “virtual center” October 19, 1998
  3. Destination Discovery connects kids and teachers with resources October 15, 1998
  4. Students leave their mark in a manufacturing laboratory October 14, 1998
  5. Look! It’s a book October 14, 1998
  6. “Four Friends” give million-dollar gift to film and video studies October 13, 1998
  7. What’s green, has two wheels, and is used around campus? October 12, 1998
  8. U-M and city of Ann Arbor collaborate to improve State Street area October 6, 1998
  9. The picture tells the story October 6, 1998
  10. EPA award for pollution prevention and energy conservation October 5, 1998
  11. Border Crossings: A Festival of New Jazz/Rock & Poetry October 2, 1998
  12. ‘Green’ renovation of century-old building exhibits environmental responsibility September 24, 1998
  13. Department of Public Safety Director Heatley announces retirement September 16, 1998
  14. Study says water is the answer to peace in the West Bank September 11, 1998
  15. U-M Marching Band and “fight” song celebrate centennials September 11, 1998
  16. Lisa Tedesco nominated as vice president, secretary of the university September 10, 1998
  17. Krislov nominated as general counsel, Barry as deputy general counsel September 10, 1998
  18. Public invited to open house at Michigan Stadium Sept. 10 September 5, 1998
  19. U.S. economy to grow at a moderate pace the next two years August 18, 1998
  20. Income inequality directly related to high mortality rates July 2, 1998