Business & Economy

  1. Intel funds advanced communications, computation research August 22, 1997
  2. Students share $1,625 in prizes for creative writing August 19, 1997
  3. U.S. economy will remain strong over next two years August 18, 1997
  4. Fall Move-In scheduled for Aug. 30 – Sept. 1 August 15, 1997
  5. Divorce is not all broken homes and neglected children August 11, 1997
  6. Tips for college success to first-year students August 11, 1997
  7. Migrant workers learn “Survival English” from U-M students August 8, 1997
  8. GuideCane steers blind pedestrians around obstacles August 6, 1997
  9. Hard core smokers may use nicotineto manage depression, ADHD, anxiety or bulimia August 6, 1997
  10. Long-term genetic study helps explain genetic roots of psoriasis August 6, 1997
  11. U-M lab preserves Chinese art treasures August 5, 1997
  12. Automotive interiors sector expects great changes in next decade August 4, 1997
  13. Still time to enjoy a summer vacation at Clements Library August 1, 1997
  14. We don’t know which Head Start, Title I programs work best July 30, 1997
  15. New Web-based guide for using libraries for research July 30, 1997
  16. U.S. nursing home patient conditions improve; pain still common July 29, 1997
  17. Research team gains important insights into dengue fever July 28, 1997
  18. U-M students among 1997 International Predissertation Fellows July 28, 1997
  19. Parental poverty important in men’s economic backgrounds July 24, 1997
  20. Research and undergraduate education outlined to Regents July 18, 1997