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Business & Economy
Faculty members named to distinguished professorships
September 18, 1997
Ten faculty members retire
September 18, 1997
Regents approve administrative appointments
September 18, 1997
Regents approve renovation projects
September 18, 1997
Sports team owners, Council of Learned Societies president at dedications
September 16, 1997
Advisory: Campaign for Michigan closing celebration
September 16, 1997
Public symposium on “Managing Professional Sports” Sept. 26
September 16, 1997
Presidential inauguration also inaugurates YoHA
September 15, 1997
Alumnus named director of athletics
September 8, 1997
HHS Secretary Shalala to talk on child welfare Sept. 18
September 5, 1997
U-M makes Kennedy Executive Orders available on Web
September 2, 1997
Courant, Knepp to be appointed in Provost’s Office
September 2, 1997
Institute for the Humanities: A matchmaker
August 26, 1997
Intel funds advanced communications, computation research
August 22, 1997
Students share $1,625 in prizes for creative writing
August 19, 1997
U.S. economy will remain strong over next two years
August 18, 1997
Fall Move-In scheduled for Aug. 30 – Sept. 1
August 15, 1997
Divorce is not all broken homes and neglected children
August 11, 1997
Tips for college success to first-year students
August 11, 1997
Migrant workers learn “Survival English” from U-M students
August 8, 1997