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Education & Society
$10 million grant to fund center on shaping healthy behavior
June 25, 2003
Bentley Foundation recognizes eight Michigan residents
June 25, 2003
U.S. Supreme Court rules on University of Michigan cases
June 23, 2003
Evan H. Caminker recommended as dean of the Law School
June 20, 2003
U-M dental students to provide oral health care to migrant workers this summer
June 19, 2003
Bone health age vs menopause
June 19, 2003
School of Information students help with technology in Haiti
June 17, 2003
Birds do it. Bugs do it. But why don’t we?
June 16, 2003
Sex, lies, and the survey industry: U-M study looks at phone interviews
June 13, 2003
U-M Center for the Education of Women announces U-M scholarships
June 11, 2003
Researchers gather to discuss middle childhood
June 11, 2003
Killer snails, invasive mussels and more on mollusk meeting program
June 10, 2003
Even heroes are imperfect, U-M professor says
June 9, 2003
Former pediatrics chair returns from Iowa to lead Health System
June 6, 2003
Free mouth guards at School of Dentistry on July 26
June 3, 2003
African Americans care about the environment as much or more than whites
May 29, 2003
Papyrus online brings ancient scribes to the public
May 27, 2003
U-M study helps define why fewer women choose math-based careers
May 22, 2003
Customer satisfaction rebounds sharply, in spite of slow economy
May 21, 2003
Student drug testing not effective in reducing drug use
May 19, 2003