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Education & Society
Former pediatrics chair returns from Iowa to lead Health System
June 6, 2003
Free mouth guards at School of Dentistry on July 26
June 3, 2003
African Americans care about the environment as much or more than whites
May 29, 2003
Papyrus online brings ancient scribes to the public
May 27, 2003
U-M study helps define why fewer women choose math-based careers
May 22, 2003
Customer satisfaction rebounds sharply, in spite of slow economy
May 21, 2003
Student drug testing not effective in reducing drug use
May 19, 2003
U-M professor recommends renewal of nonprofit infrastructure
May 14, 2003
Terrence McDonald recommended as dean of LSA
May 14, 2003
Public knows no more about genetics than in 1990
May 13, 2003
U.S. scholarly organizations unite to protect Iraqi cultural heritage
May 9, 2003
School of Information Digital Tool Kit aims to polish
May 8, 2003
U-M responds to NCAA decision
May 8, 2003
University of Michigan Statements
May 8, 2003
Bleeding disorder tied to defect in cellular transport mechanism
May 5, 2003
Job growth will again characterize Oakland County’s economy
May 2, 2003
Great Lakes shoreline and wetlands: Task force report
May 1, 2003
University of Michigan presents Hopwood awards to promising writers
May 1, 2003
University of Michigan names Knight-Wallace Journalism Fellows
April 29, 2003
Men’s health: U-M study shows how bad it is, why and what to do about it
April 29, 2003