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Detroit Tiger to get spit tobacco education program award
August 12, 1997
Divorce is not all broken homes and neglected children
August 11, 1997
Tips for college success to first-year students
August 11, 1997
Galileo orbits Jupiter, learning about the planet and its moons
August 7, 1997
Hard core smokers may use nicotineto manage depression, ADHD, anxiety or bulimia
August 6, 1997
Long-term genetic study helps explain genetic roots of psoriasis
August 6, 1997
Automotive interiors sector expects great changes in next decade
August 4, 1997
M-care statement issued by President Bollinger
August 4, 1997
Still time to enjoy a summer vacation at Clements Library
August 1, 1997
We don’t know which Head Start, Title I programs work best
July 30, 1997
U.S. nursing home patient conditions improve; pain still common
July 29, 1997
Research team gains important insights into dengue fever
July 28, 1997
Free M-CARE coverage proposed for U-M faculty and staff
July 21, 1997
Regents approve building projects
July 18, 1997
Seven faculty members retire
July 18, 1997
Regents approve administrative appointments
July 18, 1997
Regents to meet Thursday and Friday (July 17-18)
July 14, 1997
Laser performs breakthrough, high-precision corneal surgery
July 9, 1997
Dentistry Prof. Eemeritus Sigurd P. Ramfjord died July 4
July 9, 1997
Mothers with mental illnesses need better parenting support
June 24, 1997