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Law & Politics
Can you win the White House with a song?
July 27, 2000
Advisory: General Motors’ filing of an amicus brief
July 17, 2000
Regents approve tenure appointments
July 14, 2000
Faculty members appointed to named and titled professorships
July 14, 2000
Regents adopt retirement memoirs for five faculty members
July 14, 2000
Independence Day Tip Sheet July 4 has traditionally been the anniversary of our independence. But according to John Dann, director of the Clements Library at the University of Michigan, America could celebrate several independence days.”We could celebrat
June 28, 2000
$1.5 million gift for professorship in wireless telecommunications
June 19, 2000
School violence prevalent in Israel
June 19, 2000
Regents approve administrative appointments
June 16, 2000
Regents approve appointments to endowed and titled professorships
June 16, 2000
Twenty-three faculty members retire
June 16, 2000
Gift in trust received
June 16, 2000
U-M to divest its holdings in tobacco manufacturing companies
June 16, 2000
Regents approve tenure appointments
June 16, 2000
Campus Law Enforcement Investigators Seminar
June 14, 2000
Czech Republic President Václav Havel to be honored Sept. 5
June 14, 2000
Karen Wolff to be recommended as dean of School of Music
June 9, 2000
Poverty and social contexts of Black Americans
June 9, 2000
CEW honors 34 women scholars
June 9, 2000
A celebration of Arthur Miller’s works and life
June 8, 2000