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Science & Technology
U-M Regents approve first undergraduate degree in public health
September 17, 2015
UMMA, Matthaei-Nichols receive grants from Institute of Museum and Library Services
September 17, 2015
U-M’s unique MCubed seed grants start 2nd cycle
September 17, 2015
U-M School of Nursing’s new building: All about the future
September 17, 2015
Telehealth: Using cell phones to fight chronic disease in Latin America
September 16, 2015
U-M researchers awarded $3M to study Detroit River phosphorus, green infrastructure
September 16, 2015
U-M’s Ross School receives national diversity award
September 15, 2015
U-M School of Music, Theatre & Dance reopens Moore Building after extensive renovation, expansion
September 15, 2015
Rural and Hindu children have the highest immunization rates
September 14, 2015
U-M experts can discuss Census Bureau statistics on poverty, health insurance
September 11, 2015
Cancer decoy could attract, capture malignant cells
September 10, 2015
$3.5M to mix supercomputer simulations with big data
September 9, 2015
Inspired by art, lightweight solar cells track the sun
September 9, 2015
The nexus between diplomacy and development
September 9, 2015
U-Michigan launches $100 million Data Science Initiative
September 8, 2015
U-M experts can discuss immigration, refugee crisis
September 3, 2015
U-M experts can discuss Xi Jinping’s visit to the US
September 2, 2015
Biases influence how multiracial individuals are categorized
September 2, 2015
Fed to try out Value-Based Insurance Design
September 1, 2015
Yeast study yields insights into cell-division cycle
September 1, 2015