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Science & Technology
Regents adopt retirement memoirs for five faculty members
July 14, 2000
Budget to be presented to Regents
July 11, 2000
Student engineers gather for National Leadership Institute
July 10, 2000
“From Potter to Potter: Children’s Literature” displayed
June 28, 2000
Summer MQR explores more ‘Secret Spaces of Childhood’
June 21, 2000
$1.5 million gift for professorship in wireless telecommunications
June 19, 2000
International symposium to look at future of flexible automation
June 19, 2000
Regents approve tenure appointments
June 16, 2000
Regents approve administrative appointments
June 16, 2000
Regents approve appointments to endowed and titled professorships
June 16, 2000
Twenty-three faculty members retire
June 16, 2000
Regents approve building projects
June 16, 2000
Czech Republic President Václav Havel to be honored Sept. 5
June 14, 2000
Poverty and social contexts of Black Americans
June 9, 2000
CEW honors 34 women scholars
June 9, 2000
A celebration of Arthur Miller’s works and life
June 8, 2000
Homer Neal appointed to computer networking advisory council
June 5, 2000
Treatment speeds cell migration, wound closure in diabetic mice
June 5, 2000
Prof. Harold Haugh, leading oratorio soloist, dies
June 2, 2000
Dentistry professors receive orthodontics’ highest awards
June 1, 2000