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Science & Technology
AIDS researchers form “virtual center”
October 19, 1998
Student dies in tragic accident
October 16, 1998
Destination Discovery connects kids and teachers with resources
October 15, 1998
Saturday Morning Physics makes debut in Grand Rapids
October 15, 1998
Regents approve administrative appointments
October 15, 1998
Students leave their mark in a manufacturing laboratory
October 14, 1998
Norma Radin died September 24
October 7, 1998
The picture tells the story
October 6, 1998
Surrogate mothers feel some degree of disappointment
October 5, 1998
Contemporary Cuba with a timba beat
October 1, 1998
Rare copy of prayers for Rosh-Hashanah held at Clements Library
September 14, 1998
Lisa Tedesco nominated as vice president, secretary of the university
September 10, 1998
Krislov nominated as general counsel, Barry as deputy general counsel
September 10, 1998
Cynthia Wilbanks nominated as vice president for government relations
September 10, 1998
Scientists use gene therapy to correct deafness in mice
May 28, 1998
Four honorary degrees at commencement
April 13, 1998
Tickets for Hillary Clinton appearance to be distributed April 22-27
April 13, 1998
Network tracking forest’s CO2 transfer
April 10, 1998
Dean Edie N. Goldenberg stepping down from deanship
April 6, 1998
How to go wild without ticking off your neighbors
April 3, 1998