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Science & Technology
Cautious dads, clean homes help kids become wealthy and wise
May 13, 1997
Zoology Prof. Emeritus Irving J. Cantrall died May 9
May 13, 1997
U-M Regents to meet Thursday and Friday (May 15-16)
May 12, 1997
Space Science lecture series begins May 22
May 8, 1997
Media day at Edwin S. George Reserve
May 5, 1997
Michigan Journalism Fellows are named for 1997-98
May 2, 1997
Going Back to School, Mom?
May 2, 1997
Provost Search Advisory Committee named
May 1, 1997
Prof. Joyce Marcus first U-M woman elected to National Academy of Sciences
May 1, 1997
Pluto’s slow circuit around the solar system
May 1, 1997
Career guide explores ocean of opportunity
April 29, 1997
U-M puts Americana on the Web
April 29, 1997
Information on U-M units’ commencement activities
April 29, 1997
Hormone found in many animals, humans may induce birth
April 28, 1997
Symposium to honor Russian mathematician Sergei Gudunov
April 25, 1997
U-M students share more than $50,000 in Hopwood Awards and other creative writing prizes
April 22, 1997
Newest student-built solar car to be unveiled
April 22, 1997
Spring issue of Michigan Quarterly Review now available.
April 22, 1997
U-M aids Bosnia’s National Library
April 21, 1997
Oakland County job growth to continue outpacing Michigan
April 18, 1997