Science & Technology

  1. Gift of nearly $5 million from alumnus John W. Sweetland to launch new Writing Center for undergraduates. April 8, 1997
  2. ‘Qamel’ wins top honors as modular commercial off-road vehicle April 7, 1997
  3. U-M summer program guide has activities for all ages April 7, 1997
  4. Think before you type: ins and outs of e-mail etiquette April 7, 1997
  5. Goal of new ISR training program for South Africans is to overcome a “legacy of distortion.” April 3, 1997
  6. Culture conference links U-M with community April 3, 1997
  7. U-M to be part of NSF high-performance computing initiative March 31, 1997
  8. Engineering students to be in NASA micro-gravity flight March 31, 1997
  9. New Sea Grant exotic species Web site is online March 26, 1997
  10. U-M students gain hands-on field experience in natural woodlands March 26, 1997
  11. U-M uses lots of information technology March 24, 1997
  12. Immigrant children are not swelling U.S. welfare rolls March 20, 1997
  13. HMOs are facing rising health care costs, March 19, 1997
  14. Doctor-assisted suicide is subject of symposium March 17, 1997
  15. Workshops on interpersonal violence March 14, 1997
  16. U-M project brings U.S. Census to nation’s classrooms March 14, 1997
  17. U-M scientists’ ultrafast lasers put the squeeze on atoms March 13, 1997
  18. After 40 years of work, “Michigan Flora” by Prof. Edward Voss is published March 13, 1997
  19. Former geography Prof., Melvin Marcus, dead at age 67 March 13, 1997
  20. Graduate students create poison prevention Web site for kids March 12, 1997