
  1. Reducing salt in restaurant food: Some progress made but more needed October 19, 2017
  2. Software improves captioning for those with hearing deficits October 17, 2017
  3. Wearables to boost security of voice-based log-in October 17, 2017
  4. U-M Tech Transfer reports record number of new inventions October 17, 2017
  5. Brain activity predicts crowdfunding outcomes better than self-reports October 17, 2017
  6. Doubling the power of the world’s most intense laser October 16, 2017
  7. LIGO, Virgo make first detection of gravitational waves produced by colliding neutron stars October 16, 2017
  8. U-M startup says jet lag app is just the beginning October 12, 2017
  9. Floodproofing cities: $1.8M for smart stormwater project October 12, 2017
  10. Local Michigan officials: Fiscal recovery is mixed, but slightly positive overall October 11, 2017
  11. New U-M course brings political leaders to campus to find common ground, real world solutions October 11, 2017
  12. Trail opens linking U-M botanical gardens to campus, regional hiking-biking routes October 9, 2017
  13. Soil holds potential to slow global warming, two studies show October 5, 2017
  14. Best-selling author Cathy O’Neil to speak about dangers of Big Data October 4, 2017
  15. U-M cryo-electron microscopy experts available to comment on Nobel Prize October 4, 2017
  16. U-M School of Dentistry professor awarded $8.1M grant for cancer research October 4, 2017
  17. U-M startup marks milestone in drug therapy for boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy October 4, 2017
  18. Mobility startups join U-M incubator to pilot autonomous, connected vehicle innovations October 3, 2017
  19. Social action may give youth a career edge October 3, 2017
  20. Pathway in neurons may contribute to neurodegenerative disease October 3, 2017